I feel like now more than ever, it has become a trend to quit your 9 to 5 job and pursue a lifestyle filled with traveling, remote work, camping out of your van, or taking a hiatus in Asia or South America. Although all of these options sound like a dream and have been a reality for some people (and look amazing on their Instagram as well) it is not all smiles and rainbows.
So before you pack up your bags and try this nomadic lifestyle for yourself… let me let you in on a few things you should know before you go. I am telling you this as an experienced (8-year veteran) of “I need to move out of my parent’s house and go traveling full time” girl. So let me tell you a few things nobody tells you when you move abroad:
1. Moving away from home (the life you know) is HARD!
What you don’t see on “life abroad” social media is that moving far away from home is difficult in the beginning! You are leaving the life that you have grown comfortable with and exposing yourself to everything new. New people. New language. New customs. New culture. It’s a lot to take in!
BUT, it gets better, a lot better! Moving to a different country helps you grow into a new version of yourself you never knew existed! It awakens you and makes you open your eyes to new languages, cultures, friends, and a whole new world of possibilities you didn’t even know existed in your hometown. You get the chance to explore new scenery and fill your mind with a new way of life. SO EXCITING!

- Have confidence in yourself
YOU freaking moved abroad dude! (now you can tell I’m a native San Diegan lol). Most people do not want to make the leap because it is scary as hell! Give yourself some credit and don’t be too hard on yourself.
When you put yourself in these life situations not knowing anything or anyone, you set yourself up for success. I mean how can you not succeed right?! As soon as you talk to and meet one person you have succeeded. When you can navigate the local transportation system, you have succeeded. When you don’t need help from Google Maps to get back to your apartment, you have succeeded. Once you learn a few words of a new language and can pass by as a “regular” you have succeeded.
There are so many endless possibilities to succeed and that is what I love about moving to new places. But of course, this mindset took some time for me to figure out. And that is why I am sharing it with you so that you are aware of this going into your new experience! You can only go uphill from where you are now and I think that’s pretty freaking amazing!

- You will become a better communicator & planner
The use of technology will be your best friend for communicating with friends and family. Personally, my whole life I grew up talking to friends and family face to face and I had to learn the ways of the digital world to stay in contact with the people that meant the most to me. Planning and getting used to the time zone you are in is also a learning curve. I would be lying if I told you I was able to keep up with all of my friends. You will learn quickly that some are not willing to make the effort with the time change and that is okay! It just opens up new doors for you to make friends that will actually add value to your life.

- Say YES to everything
This one is the most important one for me! When a person invites you to dinner or wants to explore the city with you, SAY YES. I have done this countless number of times with total strangers and I always felt safe. By saying YES you are opening yourself up to all the endless possibilities and not closing yourself off to anyone or anything. Trust the process and be present in the moment. Know that you can always say no the next time this person wants to hang out. YOU DON’T OWE ANYBODY ANYTHING!

- Moving abroad can be lonely
You kind of forget this part when you see other travelers’ social media posts. I am sure every long-time traveler has asked themselves “What am I doing halfway across the world by myself?” “I miss my friends and family.” “I want to go home.”
All I can say is don’t forget to keep your head up! YOU wanted to travel and YOU made it happen for yourself! YOU stepped on that plane and made the journey yourself! That is more than most people can say. Be proud of how far you have come and always know that your family and friends are cheering you on even if they are thousands of miles apart.

You got this!