Kristy and I recently made a BIG life decision. We both quit our jobs, moved across the country/world, and moved back in with our parents!
At first it seemed like we were taking a step back… those “societal norm” thoughts were creeping in! But why?! Moving back home should be celebrated, not something to be ashamed of.
Most people move out of their parents home when they go away for college. Then they graduate, start their 9-5 jobs, and work for the next 35-40 years. No judgement at ALL for anyone living this life. Kristy and I have found that this is not what we want right now. Guess what… that’s perfectly fine!!
Deep down, we want and crave something more to life, something that makes us feel more ALIVE.

Kristy has always known the “9-5” life was not for her, but I ended up following that exact path. I graduated college, moved to Boston, started working a 7am-4pm job, and doing what’s “normal” for most early to mid twenty year olds. I loved my life in Boston! I met some of my absolute best friends, was making a difference in the nutrition field, but something felt missing…
Before Kristy and I made this big decision, we thought long and hard about what we want for these next few years of our lives. It has been our DREAM since we were kids to travel the world together… so why not NOW?!
Not to mention, I have been living on the East Coast for the past six years and Kristy has been traveling and working abroad for the past three years. We were missing our family more than anything and sharing those little life moments together.

Some people would see moving back home as “failing” in adulthood, but in reality it’s not at ALL. At the end of the day, you have to do what makes the most sense and what will help you reach your dreams. Moving back home is EXACTLY what we needed for now and will help us save up for our biggest adventure yet.
Do what is best for you to reach your DREAMS! It can feel scary, but it will all be worth it in the end. Trust your gut, and shoot for the stars.