It feels only right to write our first blog post about who we are, how we came to be, and where it all began!
We grew up in a very loving environment here in San Diego, California…we hit the jackpot. Our parents were (and still are) always taking the opportunity to show us how special life is, exposing us to various cultures and cuisines, and reminding us how amazing the human connection is.

Our mom is from Switzerland and has been a flight attendant for over 30 years. She came from a family that loved and prioritized travel, so she wanted the same for her own family.
Ever since we can remember, we have been traveling… airline employee kids, you know what we’re talking about. Our mom would use her work travel benefits and we would fly standby (basically free flights) all over the world! Crazy, right?! Whether it’s to Europe, the Caribbean, Australia, or throughout the U.S., we would be exploring every winter break or summer vacation. To this day our family’s favorite sentence is “Let’s go trippin!!’” This gave us a taste as to what life was like outside of our little San Diego bubble… and we LOVED it! The travel bug was activated.

Our dad is a big sports guy. He played professional baseball and wanted us to experience what it was like to be a part of a team. Most importantly, he wanted us to have fun playing a sport that we loved. So, when we were in middle school, my sister and I started playing lacrosse for our school team! Little did we know, this sport would change our lives… dad was right! Playing team sports taught us more than we could have imagined: discipline, mental toughness, accountability, and the power of camaraderie. Not to mention, we met some of our best friends through lacrosse and it gave us the chance to see different states and later for Kristy different countries.

Kristy went on to play D3 lacrosse at Washington College in the state of Maryland and studied Biology and Environmental Science. Sabrina went on to play D1 lacrosse at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and studied Nutrition; Dietetics and Culinary Nutrition.
After college, Kristy had the itch to keep seeing what was out there in the world. She became an au pair in Switzerland, then lived in Germany for a year to study German, and continued to travel throughout Europe. She most recently went on a two month backpacking trip throughout Asia, where she volunteered at an animal sanctuary in Thailand. There is nothing stopping her from exploring the world!
After college, Sabrina moved to Boston for her dietetic internship at Massachusetts General Hospital. She passed her board exam to become a registered dietitian, and started working at MGH as a Clinical Dietitian! She met some incredible friends in run clubs and was living life in her favorite city. She followed the “normal” post-college path with a “9-5 job”, but would always find herself daydreaming of traveling the world with Kristy.
So as you might’ve guessed, we said YOLO!! We both quit our jobs and decided to move back home to San Diego in September 2023. Now we’re working to save up for the next 5 months before our biggest adventure yet. We’re so glad you’re here for the ride!! Stay tuned for more of our crazy, fun sister adventures! Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and sign up for our monthly newsletter!
Let’s go trippin’!
Kristy and Sabrina