Picture this: you just finished moving into your new apartment or home and feeling all the butterflies of what’s to come. Your surroundings are unfamiliar, but you’re excited/ nervous about the adventures that await and the new friendships that you’ll make. Maybe you have some friends living nearby, but you want to meet new people with new backgrounds.
This is exactly how I felt moving to Boston. I had never lived in a city, but it was always a dream of mine. Luckily enough for me, I lived with a close friend and we had each other! Shoutout Biz, love you sis. I had friends that went to my University and who lived in Boston, but I wanted to build new connections. Here’s how I was able to not only meet incredible people, but make lifelong friendships.

1. Get After Work Apps and Drinks with Co-Workers
Getting to know the people you work with outside of your work environment can be a little scary, but it more often than not it is SO much fun. For all my introvert’s out there, you just have to take that leap, life is too short. Most people are more easy-going and relaxed outside of work and therefore, you get to know them on a different level. Maybe you both have a passion for running, baking, techno music, traveling, crocheting, reading, or whatever it may be! Next thing you know, you’re being invited to a book-club, or maybe you even suggest starting one in your office! Go out with your co-workers and get to know them on a deeper level.
2. Join Meetup or Facebook Groups
My experience living in Boston would have been completely different if I hadn’t downloaded Meetup. I joined a run-club in my neighborhood and met one of my best friends, Emma. She then introduced me to her friends and I introduced her to mine. We started going to another cool run group in the city and met more cool running group friends (shoutout Lucia, Amelia, Ruben, and Nao), and we grew a big friend group. Pick a hobby you enjoy (running, reading, walking, cooking, etc) and search for it on Meetup or Facebook Groups. Chances are you will find a group that peaks your interest and will meet SUPER cool, like-minded people.
3. Join a Rec Sports Team
If you want to try a new sport or used to play sports in high school or college and are wanting to play in your new city… you SO can and should!! In Boston, we had Volo and BSSC which are two of the main rec sports organizations. I joined a rec lacrosse team through the BSSC and met one of my close friends Bryn, and so many other amazing ex-college lacrosse girls. It was so fun to play around on a random weekday, meet girls from all over the Boston area, and be able to compete again.

4. Introduce Yourself to Your Neighbors
I know, this one is not as popular, but making cookies for neighbors with a friendly note goes a LONG way. There’s a chance that these people are friendly and worth getting to know! Who knows, maybe you guys have the same hobby, or both go to the local farmer’s market every Sunday and can now go together! If not, maybe you can learn a few things from them. Knock on their door to say hello or leave your name and number. If you have some friends over at your apartment, invite your neighbors.
5. Volunteer
I know a lot of us feel like we have no time for anything nowadays, but I guarantee you’re able to dedicate a few hours on a Sunday afternoon. You’ll be surprised by how much volunteering can lift your spirit. It doesn’t have to be every weekend, but maybe twice a month or whatever fits for your schedule. Choose an organization or cause that you are passionate about (humane society, a beach clean-up team, a food pantry group). You can simply Google “Volunteer opportunities in X” or “Volunteers for Humane Society in X.” This is another way to meet like-minded people and spread some love into your new community.
Moving to a new city or town can be tough. You’re out of your comfort bubble, maybe some of your friends and family live farther away. It can feel isolating at times, but take each day as a new opportunity to get your bearings on your new neighborhood and maybe meet a few new people. My biggest piece of advice is to never stop putting yourself out there. Be yourself and the people who were meant to cross life paths with you will!!